Bald heads, or scalps with bald patches, can be “tanned” But the client needs to exfoliate them well first.
A baking soda scrub (water mixed with baking soda, or clear shower gel mixed with baking soda) with a washcloth, or exfoliation cloth or glove will generally work well. Client should exfoliate scalp gently, avoiding irritation.
If client is using hair growth products, they will often make the scalp over sensitive, and more prone to irritation.
If the client has thinning hair, that is light colored or grey, advise them to coat hair with a thicker cream conditioner, before coming in for their spray session. Don’t rinse conditioner out of hair. You can also use a barrier cream or some mild liquid hand soap at the salon, if they forget to precoat hair.
Sunless tanning products will not normally discolor med or dark colored hair. But if hair is very porous, and/or white, blond, light brown or grey, then it can absorb solution and become tinted. If hair becomes over saturated with sunless solution it can begin to look yellowish or golder brown. This is difficult to remove, and hair may need to be cut or bleashed if it becomes stained.
It is best to avoid applying solution to light or porous hair if possible.
Before spraying the client, wipe any conditioner off of skin with a wet wipe, or damp cloth. Spray as normal. The scalp may need an additional coat of solution.
You may also hand apply tanning product to thin hair areas with a cosmetic sponge or foam paint brush. Paint or wipe product up into thicker hair areas. Do not saturate the hair or hair roots, as discoloration could occur.
When the client showers, he/she should rinse conditioner from the hair.