Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosumare) a power house super fruit, that can benefit the body, and skin health in a variety of ways. The indigo colored fruit are native to North American, and are cultivated on bushy shrubs.
Their many vitamins and nutrients along with the anti-oxidant punch can assist in treatment of acne, splotchy skin, and broken capillaries.
The anti-oxidants in this sweet fruit can ease or eliminate inflammation and redness, and help normalize skins oil production. The high anti-oxidant level help protect skin from premature aging, as well as mitigate damage from environmental sources. (Pollution, UV, poor diet, stress)
The fruit extracts help soften dry skin, and slow down the process of elastin and collagen breakdown, often associated with aged skin. The components in this fruit can help strengthen and rebuild the skins protective barrier, which lessens skin moisture loss, and helps prevent aged skin.