It’s that time of year for Fall Weddings. Which means its time for the Bridal Party Sunless Tans. Below are some handy tips to keep in mind when spraying the Bridal party.
First and Foremost: An Impotent event, Prom or Wedding is not the time to try out a new solution product you are unfamiliar with.
Many Technicians order a new Sample Package of a new product, and are so excited to try it out, they use it for Wedding parties, Proms etc. Though all the Tampa Bay Tan Blends are very nice, and all work well. Every blend IS different, and may require a different application technique, and every client is different. Not every blend may suit every client, or every Technician, or every environment, and results may not always be as expected. This is one reason why discounted sample packages, and smaller bottle sizes are available. This allows you to test out products with a smaller investment – BEFORE using them for a Special event.
Event photos will last a long time, and a bad spray tan can really ruin someone’s special day. Use your tried and tested products only, for these events. And a Pre-Wedding practice tan session, a month in advance is a terrific idea if time allows.
Aim for a Light to Medium Look:
Try to keep all Bridal party members of a similar tan color depth. Avoid having some members dark tanned, and some light tanned, if possible. It is easier if all are a similar depth of color, light to light medium tan range is a nice compromise. If some members are very dark, and some are light, or only some members are tanned, it can make wedding photo skin tones look a bit off. The tanned members may look to dark or off color, compared to pale members. A good photographer can do some tonal adjustments to offset this, but guest snapshots will not have this ability.
Consider spraying the bride and bridal party, a lighter to medium tan tone, as opposed to very dark, as tan fading during a Honeymoon will be a smoother more even transition. Especially if a Tropical destination with swimming and lots of visible skin is involved.
Rub Off:
Normally solution will not rub off on the outsides of garments, if the skin is clean, dry and well exfoliated, with no lotion or product residue, or scrub residues on the skin pre-tan. Please make sure all clients rinse and cleanse skin well before dressing in formal wear.
Lotions should not be applied directly underneth tight fitted garments or shapeware, as it can cause the tanned dead skin cells to rub off more easily leaving tanned smudges behind on garment insides, or seams.
Advise clients to dust skin with body powder under all tight fitting garments or shapeware. This allows easier dressing, and lessen garment rubbing against a fresh tan. This can also absorb some sweat.
If you are concerned with product rub off, spray clients with a clear tinted solution blend, or one of our blends with a light bronzer tint, such as Revive, or Tan Extraordinaire or Tanfastic. Advise to shower before dressing, as some forget this.
Any solution that does rub or sweat off onto seams, and inner garments, can usually be removed with Dry cleaning. Point the spot out to the Dry Cleaning service, and inform them it is Spray Tan solution. This is normally not a problem for their treatment services.
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